Sunday, December 6, 2009

its just too bad.

its hard to close the computer because thats the only way we can talk.
i dont see you that much.
it kills me when I'm awake and your asleep.
its hard to tell you i like you because it wont be the same.
I love looking at our convos in the internet
but I'm afraid they might get erased.
i love being myself around you.
i dont have to act like a retard around you.
you accepted me for who i am.
i dont hear you complain wen i say the same things all over again
in my dreams i see your name but not your face.
i love it when you make me laugh.
i love it when you give me hugs because your so warm
i love it when you say iLy to me and I say it back
you make me feel loved.

its just to bad that....

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